
Laravel Builder

Intuitive productivity tool for Laravel. demo

You no longer need to write migrations, Doctrine will do it for you.

PhpStorm plugin Laravel Builder

PhpStorm plugin Laravel Generator



PhpStorm plugin

composer require --dev googee/laravel-builder

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GooGee\LaravelBuilder\LaravelBuilderServiceProvider"

php artisan setupLaravelBuilder

how to generate migrations?


Doctrine compares files in database/Entity with the database schemas, and generate a migration file of their difference.

how to generate CRUD files?


how to generate OpenApi document?

how file is generated?

for example, lets generate the User Entity file. when button is clicked, this plugin will do the following:

how to generate custom files?

Note: if changes didn’t work, make sure to save the changed file manually, PhpStorm doesn’t save the changed file immediately.

for example

function run(data) {
    /** @type {DataForScript} */
    const ddd = data

    // define variable `model`
    ddd.model = ddd.db.tables.File.find(item => === 'Model')

    // define function `toString`
    ddd.toString = function(object) {
        return JSON.stringify(object)

in template

templating engine